At that moment your perception will shift from mind to Soul and your Soul will be activated in a very conscious way. Both you and your Soul will benefit from this moment and a Synergy will take place. You are going to give up your smallness and at that moment you need to confirm in your self, completely, to never ever surrender to it anymore and that any thought, word or act you will ever create or let happen will find its origin in Your Soul.
At that moment your Soul starts its own voyage, led by you by inspiration of Her. She will then benefit from any experience you ever had in this and all your previous lives. Both the positive and the utmost negative and destructive acts you ever committed. At that moment Your Soul will shift its being from being a passive Divine Creation to evolving and becoming God Itself through the evolution from being nothing, at the start of your voyage as the smallest piece of consciousness possible, to Everything.
[At that moment Your Soul, as result of Its fusion with your mind, can say: "This is what I was before and this is what I am now". Therefore your Soul is passive and will always respect, and always respected, your free will, to do the most positive and the most objectionable. Nothing in this Universe can happen without the permission of your Soul or God. This is one of the hardest things to ever understand and why people loose their faith in God. This because they don't understand this part with their mind. It can only be understood from the perception of the Soul.]
Therefore one needs to become aware of the importance of self-control and Unconditional Love, as God is so. Unconditional Love, no matter what ever happened to you. Losing your inner Love will mean losing your Soul. Also in that perspective your perception of violence and injustice will change completely. You will start to see them as possibilities to train your self and Self in Unconditional Love. Therefore God said : "I've send you nothing but Angels". Although 'some' have forgotten who they really are... '
Marc Van Dijck